
This game was inspired by Speed starring Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves, a movie which none of us have actually seen. In Speed: The movie: The game, your goal is to avoid exploding by maintaining high speeds and keeping your green speed bar above the red danger bar. Use upgrades, skill, and power to achieve a high score.


C: View Controls in Game!


W: Press to dash  (requires fuel)

Arrow Keys: Aim your dash

Spacebar: Hold down to perform a ground pound (requires fuel)

Q: Honk your horn (does not require fuel)

R: Return to the store

Further Instructions (hidden because it includes spoilers)

Power Mode: Press D when your fuel is full to activate. This power-up temporarily restricts all speed loss.

Bus Time: Hold W to slow down time (but return to your prior speed on release). Press Shift to cancel out of a dash.

Shockwave: Land with a ground pound to destroy nearby boxes


Freesound (https://freesound.org/)

* Engine revving, air whooshing, car going over gravel, explosion

Pixabay (https://pixabay.com/)

* car honk, old car honk, cash register, buzzer

Art by Chuck Wenaas

Programming by JC

Music and Programming by Potted 

Published 6 hours ago
AuthorsinbredRobot, potted
Made withGodot
TagsIndie, Singleplayer

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